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Alan: or maybe he was sandbagging to make us feel better about ourselves
Alan: lol
orion_134: yup
Darrinw2001: if you plan it I will come Frank
orion_134: last I talked to him, he was pushing harder than 2:1
orion_134: if I am remembering correctly
orion_134: is it bad to ride 50+ every other weekend for 2 months?
orion_134: with two occurances back-to-back weekends?
Pariah: as for the SS ride if Boyette is a no go I can go croom
orion_134: I'm all talk anyway on the SS, who knows how long until I get mine back up again
Alan: I'm good with either
orion_134: finally got some word from Marzocchi on orings I need, but then it's just the motivation to take it apart