Darrinw2001: so, how many sandbaggers do we have in the SB weight loss contest? looks like Marcel is one... -5 lbs in3 days...
Murf: works well i have a few rides in strava that were recoeded on an edge 205
Alan: I just thought about maybe using my garmin instead of running the cell battery down
Alan: nice
Murf: yes works well to whats funny is that it works better then garmin connect IMO
Alan: so it looks like you can upload garmin data to strava as well?
Alan: pretty good
Murf: dinc ftw
aaron1017: little better than my *ty Droid 3
aaron1017: not bad
Murf: under a 40-50 ft oak canopy
Murf: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Rjw-1IwN_ME/T4xYLUI0_bI/AAAAAAAAGRY/A31TO7UYWj4/s800/screenshot-1334597661902.png
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