SWAMP Mountain Bike Community Forums

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Shout Box

[History] [Commands]

[Yesterday at 11:55:50 PM] Skinman: My bike didnt make funny noises today. Thats a victory

[Yesterday at 11:56:26 PM] billnye: o/ Funny silences!

[Yesterday at 11:56:31 PM] billnye: \o/

[Yesterday at 11:56:42 PM] billnye: bastard shoutbox ate my arm

[Yesterday at 11:57:32 PM] Skinman: I ride an FSR silence IS golden!!!

[Yesterday at 11:59:37 PM] billnye: my current ride doesn't have any issues, but I rode for years on a set of Profile cranks that creak up a storm

[Today at 12:01:25 AM] Skinman: AJ's found my problem...a Friggin skewer with grit in it

[Today at 12:01:39 AM] Skinman: thing would wake the dead

[Today at 12:01:58 AM] Skinman: I thought it was the bottom braket

[Today at 12:02:40 AM] Skinman: Loudest thing on abike I ever heard. Tonight...not a sound

[Today at 12:03:13 AM] Skinman: just my ribs grinding together trying to keep up with 23 mph Gregg

[Today at 12:30:37 AM] mmountainbiker: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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North Creek Trail at Alafia River State Park is a fun and popular trail.
Ride this intermediate trail and then post your review here!

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