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E90X + 1.1.11: the part were you have to ride on the grass kicks your butt when you are tired
Scott: coochie trail?
orion_134: I'd rather park at Santos, same reason y'all would rather park at Nobleton:)
E90X + 1.1.11: I want a route that starts and finishes in mccanopy by "we bare all" because you can use the trucker showers when the ride is over
mksandoz: lolz
orion_134: great idea
E90X + 1.1.11: couples welcome
Scott: do they have good grub there?
mksandoz: theres gotta be an easy 100 route from gville.
E90X + 1.1.11: they have all kinds of lubes - for chain and what not
mksandoz: the TDG is ~50
mksandoz: Catch 22 is ~35