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Redriderpro: If you ever get a chance, do a print in Tom;s IBIS... LESS then 24lb and 5.5" travel is sweet!
Scott: that would explain the sudden weight loss
Alan: i am telling you that frame was fine. Niners new offset dropout technology
Redriderpro: and the speed at Boyette
orion_134: lol
Alan: lagggg
orion_134: indeed
Scott: I can't get past the no place for a bottle cage on the ibis rrp
orion_134: bottle cages are a fad
Scott: i mean really?
mksandoz: http://www.site.hbcutthecoursein1990.com/Team.html
Redriderpro: bottle cages are so 70's, get a 80's fanny pack carrier, dually if you're a roadie type